Friday, July 9, 2010


Summer has been packed with fun for our family. We took a trip to Amelia Island in June and had a blast. Wylie is at such a fun (and sometimes tiring) stage right now. He is into absolutely everything. As you can see in the picture from the beach where he is asleep in his pack-n-play with tissues all around him. He pulled the tissue box off the counter that he could barely reach and pulled out every tissue. As soon as he goes outside, he's dirty within about 2 minutes, and when he walks in the house it's a wreck within about 3. It's great!...most of the time. He is learning so much everyday, so he has to play! Wylie's most recent characteristics, he runs all over the place even more than ever, points to pictures in books, says more words like hot, door, hat, nose, eyes, please, more, dog, book, no and some more that I can't think of right now. You never know what he's going to say these days. He still loves his thumb and his "lovey" elephant. He enjoys picking all of the blueberries off our bushes and eating them while I pick everything else from the garden. He is a very busy boy! What a personality and temper he has. It can be a challenge at times. He's gotten to spend more time with Grandma (Sheila) this summer since she's out of school. He loves to feed the cows with Papa (Chuck) and ride the gator. What a mess! It's hard to pick just a few pictures to share from the things we've been into this summer, so here are a few from the beach.