Thursday, October 23, 2008

21 Weeks

So we're half way! Last week (at the actual half way mark) we went for the ultrasound where everything gets measured and checked. I looked forward to this time because I had not seen how big the baby actually is since less than 8 weeks, so I knew it would be way different. They have a TV in the room so you don't have to look at the technician's monitor to see what's going on, you just look at the TV. The tech was just doing the regular black and white ultrasound that we've all seen. We had told her we didn't want to know if it was a boy or a girl, so there wasn't much talking or anything going on. She measured everything she needed to and told us what each thing was as she went. When she was finished with all that she switched the mode of her machine over to 4D. Oh my goodness. It was so cool! We could actually see what it looks like, not just a black and white hollow outline. It didn't move around too much. Will said I ate too much Mexican food for lunch and put it to sleep. It was good it didn't move a lot and end up showing us something we didn't want to see! It kept putting it's hands over it's face and would turn in toward me, away from the ultrasound wand, so we never got a full view of the face. The tech ended up talking to us a lot and printed us tons of pictures. He or she is not letting me forget it's there these days. Not only is it really making my belly stick out, but it's moving around a lot. Will finally was able to feel it move this weekend. Nursery pictures will be up soon, unless I forget! I've definitely got pregnancy brain going on. I can't remember anything!