Saturday, April 24, 2010

Lovin' to run around

I finally got a short clip of Wylie and Will playing chase. It is so funny. He just cracks up when we hide and then chase him.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

So much fun

We have been having so much fun with Wylie lately. He is learning new things daily and we continue to watch his personality blossom. He says quite a few words now. Besides Mama and Dada, he says more, book, up, out, moo (when you ask him what a cow says), and eat. I'm sure he's saying much more, but we just can't understand it yet. He "talks" nonstop and has no volume button. Everything is loud or louder! He loves being able to go outside now that it's warm. He collects rocks, eats dirt, and generally likes just wandering around the yard. I've been trying to post some videos, but apparently the ones I have tried to upload are too large. The one above is one of his funny things he's doing now. Be sure to catch the very beginning. He does this really exaggerated clap that is hilarious. Once he caught on to walking, the running came very quickly. He loves to be chased. I tried to upload a video of this, but it's not working. He's a lot to keep up with these days, but the exhaustion is worth all the fun!